Evolving post-pandemic office designs will offer flexibility and growth options. Here we examine a hybrid work solution.

The outlook on daily “9 to 5” office culture has significantly shifted since the pandemic. Employees have experienced the autonomy of working remotely yet being productive. As we regain our daily lives, many companies have re-opened for employees to resume working in their offices. However, the employees are now interested in splitting their time between remote and in-office work. This evolution has resulted in setting up “hybrid” offices.

While one section of employees is happily working from home, others find isolation, an unhealthy reality that they would like to change. According to the Gensler Research Institute, “despite the rapid adoption of virtual collaboration technologies, people still value face-to-face interactions over virtual ones, in many cases, and miss the company of their coworkers.” (Tranel, 2020)

PwC US Remote Work Survey

Image Source – PwC US Remote Work Survey

Let’s give you a scenario. You joined a company amid the pandemic, and after working remotely for a while, you have come to the office for the first time. Who do you have to meet first, and where is your workstation set up, and who is the right person who can help you? These complex challenges emerged during the transition, and business leaders need to communicate what working in the office is meant to accomplish quickly and efficiently as new employees onboard and old employees come back.

Know More About Hybrid Office  

Hybrid work solutions are designed to offer a combination of work structures – remote work, in-office, work-from-another-location, amongst others. It is believed to be a compelling work model that promotes a better work-life balance. It reduces the overhead costs of the company without affecting the quality of work. What’s the result? Employee satisfaction, higher work productivity, and improved overall wellbeing. Sounds too good to be true? Experts are predicting that it’s both good and true.

What Should a Hybrid Work Solution Look Like?  

Even big corporates with market knowledge cannot give you a fool-proof blueprint for designing a hybrid office. It’s a new concept that no one has experienced before; it is changing its form every day to suit the needs of employees and the firms and organizations they work for. What will remain constant through this change is the versatility in its design approach. A hybrid office is likely to have allocated areas for solo work small, independent work locations or executive offices, multiple private offices, and soundproof cubicles. Open spaces like lounges, open-plan areas, coffee shops, are still preferred as amenities. Employees will have the liberty to choose how and where they would like to work.

Hire an Experienced Commercial Real Estate Professional   

If your company is exploring a hybrid setup for its employees, we advise hiring an experienced commercial real estate professional.

A hybrid office isn’t just about shifting furniture. You may or may not have the budget to renovate or build a new office from the ground up. Different ideas are being circulated about an ideal hybrid office, and these dynamics are constantly changing.

You do not want to commit to a large budget amid the uncertainty. It’s best to look for an existing space that is uniquely suited to your current needs. Your real estate broker can help you find a perfect hybrid space to navigate through this transformation.

The broker will be spending quality time with your company leaders to understand your unique requirements. With structural changes within the company, this discussion will aid in making quicker decisions about the design of the hybrid office.

The business leaders can analyze the situation by addressing a few questions like:

  • The advantages and challenges of working during the pandemic
  • Concerns and red flags employees have about workplace re-opening
  • How the company promoted a uniform office culture during the pandemic
  • Company’s messaging and communication with employees the entire period
  • Company’s expectations from the new work culture


The most significant learning about the work environment during the pandemic is that the digitalization-led employee base is complex. It’s no longer about “one-size-fits-all” work culture.

The workplace dynamics are continually changing, and employees are open to exploring new models of work. This is a good thing.

Be open to experimenting with the design of the new hybrid office, and don’t be afraid if you don’t get it right the first time around. Remember, there is no right or wrong approach, just a smart one that works well for the future of your particular business.

To look for or know more about various office spaces in and around the Houston area, we are here to help. You can find our properties on LoopNet or  Connect with us at 281-558-1111 or oliver-cre.com

Work Cited

Tranel, B. (2020, July 2). The Future Workplace Will Embrace a Hybrid Reality. Gensler.  https://www.gensler.com/blog/the-future-workplace-will-embrace-a-hybrid-reality.